Community Dev.
Human Services
Chatham Youth
"The Greatest Tragedy is Indifference"
Great Futures Start Here
Finding the Player Within
Helping People Age
Investing in Artists and Educating Kids Through the Arts
Still Working Hard for Chatham Seniors and Their Families
Working Together for Children and Families in Chatham County
A County-Wide Coalition to Help Prevent Drug Use in Youth
To Be the Health and Wellness Provider of Choice
Providing employment and vocational training for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
To Provide mobility to meet the needs of our community.
Helping People, Changing Lives
Cultivating opportunities, assets, and communities that sustain transitions out of homelessness and poverty.
Community Lunch
Families and Communities Extending Services
Go-getters, Innovators, Risk-takers, Leaders
A Child's Advocate in Court
Promoting Mental Health
Diversity & Inclusivity
Replacing Isolation With Connections
Providing Hope For Families
Funding The Future
Keeping families close
Second Bloom of Chatham is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing person-centered support and resources for survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault
Culture Festival
Leading North Carolina to improve adolescent and young adult sexual health.
The Sprott Youth Center promotes the development of the youth and other persons of the Moncure and surrounding communities.
Supporting Students
Food Bank